
NIAC Study

March 15, 2015

TrapWire is one of only two private-sector technologies determined to be an effective practice in the area of information sharing, according to the National Infrastructure Advisory Council (NIAC)’s “Intelligence Information Sharing: Final Report and Recommendations.”

About this Study:

The NIAC Intelligence Information Sharing Study interviewed more than 200 executives and subject matter experts from the Banking and Finance (B&F), Chemical (CHEM), Commercial Facilities (CF), Healthcare and Public Health (HPH), and Oil and Natural Gas (ONG) Sectors, as well as intelligence community subject matter experts. These interviews revealed best practices that the public and private sectors are utilizing to effectively share information to make the decisions needed to guide critical investments, implement protective programs, and respond to infrastructure threats as they arise. The following effective practices were cited numerous times—often across sectors—as effective information-sharing mediums and initiatives:

The National Infrastructure Advisory Council (NIAC) provides the President of the United States with advice on the security and resilience of the 18 Critical Infrastructure and Key Resources (CIKR) sectors and their supporting information systems. These critical infrastructure sectors span the U.S. economy and include the Food and Agriculture, Banking and Finance, Transportation, Commercial Facilities, Critical Manufacturing, Dams, Defense Industrial Base, Nuclear, Government Facilities, Postal and Shipping, Communications, Information Technology, Healthcare and Public Health, Water, Energy, and Emergency Services Sectors. The NIAC also advises the lead Federal agencies that have critical infrastructure responsibilities.

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